General Medicine OSCE questions towards optimising clinical complexities.
OSCE QUESTIONS: Case- A 35 years old female , daily wage worker by occupation came presented with chief complaints of painful skin lesions on B/L upper and lower limbs since 2 months, fever and burning micturition since 4days BASED ON HISTORY AND BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL PROFILE 1)What factor suddenly triggered her skin lesions? 2)How long it took for her pain to progress in to severe deformity? 3)What investigations/diagnosis made her to take medication for RA? 4)What factors led her to stop medications for RA? 5) How did she manage to work even with severe deformities? BASED ON EXAMINATION 1)Why is she severely cachexic even after proper diet? 2)Is the violaceous hue around the margin of ulcer insinuate something? 3) What is the reason for her continous hypotension? 4)What is the reason for her severe anemia? BASED ON DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT 1) Why it can't be Raynaud's diseas...